Tuesday, October 4, 2011

20 minute Ab's - One minute at a time

Obtaining a six-pack requires two types of exercises: Cardio to burn off belly fat so you can see the stomach muscles and abdominal exercises for muscle definition. The specific stomach muscle responsible for a six pack is the rectus abdominus. The rectus abdominus works during spinal flexion exercises. Bending your spine forward either from the upper back or lower back to move the bottom of your rib cage and your pelvis closer together is spinal flexion.

The workout
10 exercises-one minute each set - repeat. Beginners start with 30 second interval for each set, working up to one minute. 

Decline Bench Sit-ups with Dumbbell

Hook your legs under the pads and lie back on the decline bench. Hold your dumbbells in each hand at your chest and raise your torso as far up as you can go swiftly throwing a punch with the dumbbell in a twisting motion. Lie back down on the bench slowly and deliberately in a controlled movement keeping the back arched and touch the shoulders to the bench. You must return to the full decline position to complete this exercise. Exchange punches with each arm during each rep.

Flat Bench V-ups with Medicine Ball

Sit on the edge of a stable chair or bench. Place your hands in front of your butt or directly behind grabbing the bench. Lean back slightly and extend your legs down and away, keeping your heels 4 to 6 inches off the floor with the medicine ball between your feet. To begin the exercise, bend your knees and slowly raise your legs toward your chest, at the same time, lean forward with your upper body, allowing chest to approach your thighs.

Oblique V-ups

Lie on one side, hand behind head. Weight should be placed on your hip and butt, the other hand in front of your body for balance. Bring up your body in a way where your elbow of the hand behind your head reaches your knee as its being raised. That is one repetition. Do 30 seconds on each side (to keep your abs looking evenly worked out).

Hanging Leg Raise

Grab a bar and just hang, let the momentum disappear and do nothing until your body is still and the legs are straight. Flex all your muscles especially you’re Lats, Abs, and muscles surrounding your elbows. Slowly raise your feet up to the bar, remember to keep your legs straight. Lower your Legs and Repeat. The duration should be slow so as to use no momentum, try 5 - 8 seconds up, 5 - 8 down.

Sprint Sit-ups

 Lie on your back on the floor on a mat with your legs strait and feet 6" off the floor. Place your hands on either side of your head and execute the exercise by crunching your abs forward while twisting your torso and bringing your opposite knee up to touch your opposite elbow. Alternate back and forth elbow to knee in a running motion. Really focus on keeping your midsection contracted throughout the entire exercise.

Stability Ball Crunch

Sit on a stability ball and place your legs shoulder width apart on the floor. Walk your feet out as you roll yourself down until the lower part of your back is on the ball. With your elbows wide and chin off the chest, lift the upper part of your back off the stability ball (like a floor crunch). Slowly lower yourself back onto the ball. Be sure to control any movement with the stability ball. Focus on proper breathing and do not hold your breath.

V - Roll ups

Lie straight on the floor. Raise your torso up to do a toe touch, and as you slowly lower yourself down bring your lower legs up slowly, keeping them straight. When the torso has returned to original position, with feet in air, bring your arms up in a more difficult toe touch (because toes are in air, not on the floor). Return to prone position. That is one repetition

Hip Bridge with Ball

Lie on your back with your lower legs on a stability ball. Raise your hips until they're aligned with your feet and shoulders.  Press your heels into the ball and roll it toward your butt. Roll the ball back out. Keeping your hips lifted.

Flat Bench - Heels to the Heaven with a Twist

Lie on your back flat on a bench grabbing the sides securely just above your head, extend your legs with feet together. Next raise legs up, knees to chest and push your heals to the ceiling twisting your toes to the left going up, then back to neutral position coming down.  Once again with your knees to your chest extend your legs strait to complete one rep. repeat twisting your toes to the right and then continue to alternate.

Reverse Sit-ups

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms at your sides with the palms down to do reverse crunches. Slide your arms up until they form a "T" with your body. Raise your legs into the air about 6” of the floor and flatten your lower back. Squeeze your abs and bend your knees to make right angles with the shins parallel to the floor. Roll your buttocks and lower back straight off the floor without changing the angle of your knees. Use your arms for balance so you do not roll to either side. Lower your back slowly to the mat to complete a reverse crunch.


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