Monday, September 26, 2011

Total Body Workout

The Key To Fitness is Intensity;
You can achieve the same or better results working out in 20 minutes or less as you could in one hour or more. 

Just because you think your tired doesn't mean your body is...

This is a total body workout with no rest intended between exercises. Try to complete 20 reps per exercise. Use appropriate weigh for exercises requiring it and keep a record of your progress.


Standard dead-hang pull up is grasped with an overhand grip. Then the body is pulled up until the chin clears the bar, and finished by lowering the body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Use a chair or stool to cheat placing one foot on chair or stool to give yourself just enough help to complete extra reps.

Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift

Stand with shoulder width or narrower stance. Grasp dumbbells to sides.
With knees straight, lower dumbbells to top or sides of feet by bending hips. Bend waist as bar approaches feet. Lift dumbbells by extending hips and waist until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded. Repeat.
Begin with very light weight and add additional weight gradually to allow lower back adequate adaptation. Throughout lift keep arms and knees straight. Keep dumbbells close to legs. Do not pause or bounce at bottom of lift. Lower back may bend slightly during full hip flexion phase. Do not lower weight beyond mild stretch throughout hamstrings and low back. Full range of motion will vary from person to person depending on flexibility. 

Spider man Push-up

Come into plank position (top of a push-up), with your hands under your shoulders, and your body in one straight line. If you can't do a push-up this way, just lower your knees to the floor
As you bend your elbows out to the side and lower your torso toward the floor, bend your left knee and touch it to your left elbow.
As you straighten your arms, come back to plank position with your left foot next to your right. Now lower your torso down and touch your right knee to your right elbow. Then return back to plank position.
This counts as one repetition.

Oblique V-Up (20 per side)

Lie on your left side, legs angled 30 degrees from your hips. Rest your left arm on the floor and put your right hand behind your head. Lift your straight legs off the floor, bringing your torso toward your legs. Slowly return to start. That's one rep. Do 20 reps on each side.

Lunge & Press

Stand facing forward with feet hip-distance apart; hold dumbbell in your right & left hand. 
Then lunge, keeping your left knee directly over your left toe.
Return to starting position and press both arms toward the ceiling. Lower the dumbbells slowly to your side. Complete 10 reps, then switch sides.

Band Row

This is a great home exercise. All that is required is an exercise band, a stationary object at stomach level and some motivation. Begin this exercise by getting in a squat position with the exercise band wrapped around an object while holding firmly with two hands. Now slowly bring the band into your body as you would do during a seated row. To vary the intensity stand further back. Make sure to keep your elbows in close to your body.

Squat & Press

Stand on the floor holding dumbbells at shoulder level with palms inward and your feet shoulder-width apart. Position your feet so that your toes are pointed straight ahead.
From the starting position, slowly lower down to a fully squatted position, pulling your weight down through your leg muscles as you descend. Keep your weight back on your heels as you go down. Push your chest out very slightly in front of you to counterbalance the heavy load on your heels. Keep your palms facing inward and the dumbbells at your sides throughout the exercise.
When you have reached the depth of the squat, reverse motion and drive up through your heels to return to the starting position.
At the top of each squat, perform a neutral-grip (palms facing inward) shoulder press up to full flex and back down to shoulders, and then move into your next squat

One Leg Push-up

Starting position: 
assume the standard push-up position, but place one foot on top of the other so only the lower foot is in contact with the ground.
Step 1: breathe in as you lower your torso to the ground, stopping when your elbows form a 90-degree angle and your chest is an inch or two from your hands. Keep your elbows close to your body.
Step 2: breathe out as you push yourself up using your arms. Think of raising yourself by attempting to push the ground away from you. The power for the push will predominantly come from your shoulders and chest.

Hip bridge with Ball

Lie on your back with your lower legs on a stability ball. Raise your hips until they're aligned with your feet and shoulders.  Press your heels into the ball and roll it toward your butt. Roll the ball back out. Keeping your hips lifted.

Chin-Up Underhand

Standard dead-hang pull up is grasped with an underhand grip. Then the body is pulled up until the chin clears the bar, and finished by lowering the body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Use a chair or stool to cheat placing one foot on chair or stool to give yourself just enough help to complete extra reps. 

Prison Squat

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and lace your fingers behind your head.
Keeping your elbows back, bend at the hips and knees to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Press back up to the starting position and repeat. (If the basic prisoner squat is too easy for you, try this: At the bottom of the move, explode upward so your feet come off the floor a few inches. Land softly and sink into your next repetition.)

Modified Dive Bomber

start with feet and hands little more than shoulder width apart, forming the body into an upside down "V" and keeping the head, neck, and spine aligned. From this starting position, commonly called Downward Dog, one bends the elbows, lowering the head towards the ground and bringing the chest almost to the ground, then "swoops" forward to a Cobra Pose. To return to the Downward Dog position, from the Cobra Pose, raise the abdomen into a normal plank position, then push backward into Downward Dog.

Hanging Leg Raise

Grab a bar and just hang, let the momentum disappear and do nothing until your body is still and the legs are straight.
Flex all your muscles especially your Lats, Abs, and muscles surrounding your elbows.
Slowly raise your feet up to the bar, remember to keep your legs straight.
Lower your Legs and Repeat.
The duration should be slow so as to use no momentum, try 5 - 8 seconds up, 5 - 8 down.


You start by squatting, placing your hands on the floor in front of you.
You kick both of your feet back at the same time putting you into a plank or push up position.
You do a push up.
Jump your feet back up towards your hands into the squat position.
From that squat position, you jump as high as possible with your arms reaching to the sky.

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