Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kettle Worxx Review

When we decided to try the Kettle Worxx workout, we were watching the infomercial, probably just like you! Well, the kit is reasonably priced unless you want to upgrade to a heavier kettlebell, then the price goes up as well as the S/H. That aside, when I received the workout info, I popped the DVD in right away and tried the introduction workout. Seriously, I was shocked and excited that after just a few minutes I could be sweating, Just Like He Says!!

Both Waco and I have enjoyed the 20 minute, that's right! Just 20 minutes, work out and love to feel all of our muscles being fired up, along with a great cardio sweat each session.
The short and skinny of this DVD set is the workouts are all short segments put together and arranged on different  DVD's to make up more than it appears. Don't get me wrong, I love the full body workout! I love that you can switch the kettlebell weight for what you can handle. It's even easy to remember the exercise because you see it repetitively throughout all the DVD's. Also, specifically, you will see some exercises on targeted DVD's, like Legs and Thighs, that you won't see on others like Arms and Shoulders.

There are exercises I have never seen before and it strikes muscles that really need attention that other fitness programs just don't hit. For instance, that area under your arms that folds over when you wear a tank top and the "muffin top" area around the waistline! I feel a good sore the next day which means it is working, right? Right! We definitely SEE the improvements as well!

Here's another helpful tip. Buy the smallest kettlebell with the DVD set. Some of your big retail stores, like Wal-Mart and Target (depending on where you live), sell the generic kettlebells at a much lower price and you don't have to pay shipping and handling. Then you can raise your kettle weight as you need it without lowering your wallet!

I hope you enjoy the Kettle Worxx System as much as we have! Enjoy!

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