Thursday, November 1, 2012

Carbs you SHOULD be eating!

Carbs have a bad reputation in weight-loss rings. But the truth is, if you're smart about your carb choices, they won't crumble your diet. What's more, they may even HELP you lose weight!

Eating “good carbs” in place of refined ones (like donuts, cake and white bread) can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and may even help you to LOSE WEIGHT because they’re generally rich in feel-full fiber. One study in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating three servings of whole grains a day helped people reduce abdominal fat and total body fat! That's great news for all of us that have a "bread" weakness!

Here is a list of some "good carbs" to help you Get Fit!

That's right! But make sure you are buying Brown Rice or Whole wheat pasta.
(I found that Wal-Mart has a great selection of all styles of pasta made with brown rice, whole wheat and quinoa)
Also, these healthy pastas take just slightly longer to cook and I like to flavor the water with chicken broth.

Consider it souped-up couscous. This delicately flavored whole grain provides some fiber (2 grams per half cup) and a good amount of protein (4 grams)!
Always remember to rinse your quinoa before cooking, and follow the same rules for cooking as rice!
I  use a rice steamer when cooking quinoa, plus I like to add fresh peas and mushrooms for that   Extra Love!

It's just cracked wheat that’s been parboiled so it simply needs to soak in hot water for most uses—a perfect low-maintenance grain. It’s also a good source of feel-full fiber: just 1/2 cup delivers 5 grams.I also buy this at Wal-Mart, for the special deal!

Yes, Popcorn!
Because when you’re craving cheez-its or potato’re certainly not going to reach for a bowl of oatmeal. Popcorn satisfies a snack craving and it’s a whole grain! 3 cups of popped popcorn equals three recommended daily servings of whole grains and contains 3 grams of fiber. Woo-Hoo!

Wild rice has no gluten. Its high fiber content helps eliminate constipation and lowers cholesterol levels. Wild rice is extremely high in antioxidants. These antioxidants counteract the damage done by free radicals in the body. (Free radicals are those cursed things that make us look old!)
Wild Rice is high in Vitamin B9,B3, Niacin, Folate, Phosphorous, Amino Acids, Lycine, Zinc and has twice the fiber of brown rice! 
Now Thats Just WILD!

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